The Primaries

The First Primary


As you infinitely love yourself, you infinitely love the other

As you infinitely love the other, you infinitely love yourself

These things are one

As you infinitely love yourself, you infinitely love the world

As you infinitely love the world, you infinitely love yourself

These things are one

As you infinitely love yourself, you Infinitely love The All

As you infinitely love The All, you infinitely love yourself

These things are one

These things, are One


Where our love is out of alignment there is suffering.  The first is a process and a constant state, just as light is both a wave and a particle – two in one and more.  Once this is illuminated, suffering is revealed as the illusion and destroyed by the light of that illumination.  Light, infinitely giving, is love, free and true, a fundamental of reality now anchored in you – that which brings the Light creates everything, even the dark in its wholeness. Its dual non-dual nature of existence illuminates all things – an integral of light – aligned with right judgement and non judgement – a deeper way to see.

Dark – that which conceals the light like a sheath, so we call it a mystery, the mystery of what is being revealed, light revealing the light of All.  The dark, now that the illusion is destroyed, is nothing but the end of things.  

Healthy boundaries of infinitely loving yes, and infinitely loving no, destroy all illusions.

The Second Primary

Mother and father is the name of God on every child’s lips

And every Child’s name on a parents

Children only need three things

The love we got

The love we didn’t get


The attention they need,

Through this all things are healed

The Third Primary

Infinite Love – Infinite Truth – Infinite Freedom

Interpenetrating, they are only bound by each other

See the three within one love, infinitely

The Third Primary (Expansion – See both within the One) 

Infinite Love – Infinite Truth – Infinite Freedom

Interpenetrating, they are only bound by each other

You are infinitely free until it is not love nor truthful

You are infinitely truthful until there is not love nor freedom

You are infinitely loving until you are not true or not free

See the three within one love infinitely

To break this boundary is death

Within this boundary there is no end

This is where light began

The Fourth Primary

In the beginning I created, I created beginning

Before this this there was no beginning and no End

You are wise to meditate on this in all forms

When you know you will see I have ended all ends

The Fifth Primary

When I share myself with others I become Me

The Sixth Primary

The center of sexism, racism and other forms of hate is I hate(not love) you for existing. When this is seen for a hate of God, or at least at what God created through the evolution of now, through time, the world will heal more deeply than ever before. Related activities such as misandry and misogyny, secondary layers to the symptoms of these illnesses, are ways the self, justifies itself in being wrong, being sick, or being ill to protect the illness. Speak loving kind Truth following the primaries to reveal the healing within and thus within the world. This will continue until we all love ourselves enough to always be healthy with our word.

The Seventh Primary


(repeat inside until complete and then outside until complete and then both)